Wii personal update
WARNING: The following blog may contain offensive material and has been proven in cases to lead the reader to become very jealous.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have purchased a Wii.
(Pauses for gasps and the shock of it all to settle in)
Are wii composed? Good then lets continue. I have been thinking about purchasing a “Wii” since Nintendo released the original proposed specs and capabilities for the revolution. That was until they offended the world by deciding to change the name to the ‘Wii’. Initially I despised the name, enough to blog about it:
“Wii can only hope: (29 April 2006 2:41 PM)
Dam Nintendo has screwed itself again..... As if our once beloved gaming system had not made enough bad choices (gamecube, need i say more). It’s like they have given up the race completely between Xbox and Playstation. Yes there new "revolutionary" system had specs and games lined up that would make any gaming enthusiast drool, everything seemed right in the world again. But then at the 12 hour Nintendo announces they have decided to change the name of the new system to...."Wii".
The childish humour must just be lost on me, Wii??? It seems the company has decided after investing an inconceivable amount into the development of this system and the restoration of its former glory, that it is no longer interested in making money. I mean seriously who ever came up with this bright idea should be shot at least twice for good measure.
Wii can only hope that this is some sort of messed up dream, and by E3 the creators will have come to their senses.”
But as time went by the name simply grew on me! So when the release came on the 7th of December I started to seriously consider purchasing this console.
On the 9th of December I was placed in a fight or flight situation when faced with hundreds of signs in what seemed like almost every shop advertising the console. I scam to my temptations and splurged, carelessly purchasing games and accessories. I never really was a strong person :) (Pun not intended)
And yet even after the serious beating my back account took I am still happy. The Wii is amazing, and it’s going to change the way we think of gaming! No longer will our youths become fat and lazy while sitting in front of the TV for hours playing games. The interaction is that intense that after a few rounds of boxing on ‘Wii sports’ I was sweaty and exhorted!
Of course the main reason why anyone would purchase a Wii is simply for Zelda, and yes yes it too has so far live up to the hype.
The controls are ingenious, no longer is game play and interaction confined to the standard controller. And the way they have allowed for extra peripherals to be added ensures they will be on the cutting edge of interactive experimentation.
(There isn't really an appropriate way to do this so: Alex, there your mentioned!)
Till next wii meet,
5 Misguided mentions... :
Jealous and I hate you...
same here...
Musta look real stupid playing the sport games, get angry and through the tennis racket lookalike
I think it is a smart concept, but really the idea of sport like accessories just make it look like you're trying to kll flies in the house, looking like a maniac, but can you imagine, walking down the street with every household with crazy flie swating ppl LOL
I was first exposed to the Wii(yes strange name) with the advert on youtube, funny really
Well enjoy the Wii Wii Wii Wee Wee Wee Wee Weee WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
kinda exciting isn't it LOL
have you been experiencing any burning sensations when you Wii?
I played with his Wii last night. And looked ridiculous playing some of the games. I can't even bowl straight! :)
How could you Dale, play with his Wii, how bad does that sound, gross Dale, very gross...HAHA love giving crap, the name easily allows that, everyone has been playing with their Wii!!!! Wrong wrong, wrong wrong wrong HEEHEE WEEEEEE
What is bowling like, sounds difficult with a remote in the hand.
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