Sunday, January 21, 2007

Swimming upstream

Do you ever feel like your swimming against the current, like the tide is constantly knocking you back, away from solid ground? And no matter how much you fight, you're never completely in control?

I feel that life is a constant struggle, where nothing ever comes easily. We are forced into this battle if only to stay afloat, being persistently tested by the unforgiving sea that is our circumstances.

It is relentless, cold and harsh. Indiscriminate to all. And so we fight on. We keep pushing against this force that shall never subside. Simply because we know what will become of us if we falter, if we fail, if only for a moment.

In the end the current always wins.

Till next we meet,

3 Misguided mentions... :

  1. bad_intelligence said...

    lol that comment and that post reallllly don't match.

    to struggle is to live my friend. one you stop struggling you stop living.

  2. Paul said...

    (The following comment is an extraction from an msn conversation)

    paul says:
    To struggle is to live?

    bad_intelligence said says:

    paul says:
    You can struggle throughout your days without truly living a moment

    paul says:
    To struggle is not to live

    bad_intelligence said says:
    There is scientific data that shows once you stop working your chance of dieing increases because u are not challenged

    bad_intelligence said says:
    To struggle is to live

    paul says:
    Existing is quite different to living

    paul says:
    "We keep pushing against this force that shall never subside. Simply because we know what will become of us if we falter, if we fail, if only for a moment."

    bad_intelligence said says:
    I like ice cream

    paul says:
    Why give up?

    paul says:
    Your no fun :P

    bad_intelligence said says:

    paul says:
    To debate is to live

    bad_intelligence said says:
    To not is to live with quality

    paul says:
    To not is to live in ignorance, never asking the question why.

    bad_intelligence said says:

    paul says:
    A human’s soul pines with one word, why

    bad_intelligence said says:
    Mine pines for ice cream

    paul says:
    And mine asks you why

    bad_intelligence said says:
    Have you had ice cream

    paul says:
    Have you seen my figure

    bad_intelligence said says:

    paul says:
    Then you have your answer

    paul says:
    And i have mine

    paul says:
    And there lies the greatest content

    paul says:
    To know is to live

    paul says:
    Till next we meet

  3. ck. said...

    The thing with the current is, you only notice it when it is working against you... Sometimes you will be swimming down stream, but you take that for granted and enjoy the ride...

    Swim through the current when it goes against you, but realise when it stops pushing you back, that it can also push you forward...