Successful regret
Throughout our lives we have constantly been told that:
You need to get good grades to get a good enter,
You need a good enter to get into a good course,
You need a good course to get a good job,
You need a good job to have a good life,
And if at any point in this process you stuff up your going to die poor and lonely :(.
Understandably this is a very simplistic view upon the measurement of success, yet this is exactly what is driven into our heads all throughout high school. Although I logically understand that this is not the correct way to view the situation, I have based my life decisions upon this very conception. For without this conception, my life would have even less of a tangible direction.
As some of you may know I made the decision to commit myself to 4.5 year of study to complete a double degree in both business and information systems. This decision was made out of fear, petrified that a single degree would limit my options I opted for as broad a field as I could possibly make. Apart from the loss of an extra year and a half I do not regret this decision, nor the appropriateness of its formation. But on reflection it started to make me think about how many regrets I really have.
A regret is a horrible thing to hold, but inevitable none the less. We are constantly making decisions that can never be fully informed, mainly because life is not predictable. There are many mitigating factors that will effect any given decision that we make simply because of unforeseeable circumstances. The aim is to minimise your regrets and be mindful that there are real consequences to all our actions.
Life is the ultimate game, except its not as simple as rolling some dice. No one is ever prepared for it, and each time it’s played is never quite the same. The game can be deceptive, you can always tell when your winning, but never when your about to hit a wrong turn. The pieces are constantly moving so the game must go on, whether you wish to play or not. So take a deep breath and cross your fingers, because it’s your move.
A life with regret, is a regretful life
Till next we meet,
2 Misguided mentions... :
That is a very simplistic view upon the measurement of success. There are so many people out there who prove that theory to be false. And I hope to become one of them!
Keep up the perceptiveness!
It use to frustrate me when at high school all they did was make it sound like year 12 was the be all and end all...In some instances I agree...but so many people change careers throughout their life how many actually accomplish the career path and enjoy it to continue it throughout their working years?
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